Note - while the site grows and awaits more direct job-postings from SPF companies, the list of openings is supplemented through a partnership with Indeed. Indeed provides listings, but posting a job on the SPFA site does not result in a posting on Indeed.
Job-postings are active for 30 days. Job-seekers can sign up for notifications of new job-postings.
SPFA disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for the content, accuracy or current status of any job-posting, and any company that posts a job opening agrees that it shall indemnify and hold harmless the SPFA, its officers, directors and employees from and against any third party claim(s) made or action(s) brought against SPFA arising out of or resulting from the job/classified posting. All-postings must be legitimate and related to the spray polyurethane foam industry. Allow 2-3 days from time of uploading the post to the post going live, to allow for review and approval of appropriate content (ie. no credit card scams, vulgarity, spoofing, phishing, etc). SPFA will endeavor to advertise and promote this job board in various SPFA and external venues to increase visibility and response rates.